Focus on my research

Hold on ! "Social movements" and "Science" ? What's the link ?
Well, my main interest is an interdisciplinary one : I intend to use skills from different fields in order to tackle questions at the edges of thoses fields. Concretely, I model a city as a complex network. I focus on pedestrian dynamics in cities, using tools from graph theory, game theory and statistical physics, to measure the impact of a given protest or demonstration.

Doesn't look like computer science to you ? Well remember the saying :

«Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes».

A glimpse at my work 📖

The main question we tackle is the following : Can an impacting urban network disruption emerge from a simple and decentralized collective action ?

In other words, imagine people following the same walking rules. Can they spontaneously gather and move in mobile groups that will block roads and disturb traffic?
Have I aroused your curiosity ? Then you can download my intership thesis presenting our first investigations regarding the quantitative impact of protests. Our job has mainly been to establish the state of the art concerning this question. More precisly, we connected it with an already existing litterature regarding random walks and city models.

What about exemples ?

A figure is worth a thousand words they say. Here are mainly pictures of multi-agents simulations and graph instances of cities.

Some more details

We started this work as no one seems to have studied protests from the point of view of complex networks. Our goal is to evaluate a quantitative impact a given protest would have. We then seek to compare the results from this agent-based model approach to real traffic data from demonstrations and protests. Below I leave you a few informations on our work and my reseach. Future documentation will be implemented to use our work.


Our city graphs are generated with data from OpenStreeMap. More real world features can be added using opendataParis.

Technical issues

My work is still in progress. Articles have still not been published, and bugs can be found in the simulations. Patience folks, we will improve !


What about doing science and having fun ? This is participative science ! We intend to build a game-like interface, allowing people to test different tactics to evaluate their impacts.


If you use my work, you can cite it. But why do you ask yourself such a question ? Work is still in progress I said !


You can leave me a message or contact me by mail at guill****.moi**** if you have any question regarding my work.


The meat industry produces so much CO2, and we are too many on earth... For our sake, eat more veggies or bourgeois.